How far do teams travel to play?

Frequently Asked Questions!


The typical travel time is anywhere between 45 and 80 minutes to the game-day location. Nationals or end-of-year tournaments may be an exception.

How do you deal with multi-sport athletes?

Communication is key! As long as coaches know ahead of time what to expect throughout the year, we can be flexible when Fall or Winter sports are in-season.

How many athletes do you keep on a roster?

13 is the magic number, but rosters may hold anywhere from 12 to 15 athletes. Coaches consider injuries, multi-sport athletes, and other engagements when finalizing roster commitments.

Where are your home fields?

Blue Angels practice at Lukens Park/Everybody’s Playground, Cedar Hill Road Park, and Archbishop Wood High School. Indoor workouts take place at various locations in the Warrington and Warminster area.